cAir (2 weekly) 6 pack



Lens Type: Single Vision
Material: Fanfilcon A
Frequency: Two weekly replacement
Manufacturer: Coopervision
Water Content: 55%

    Important note:  You should visit your optometrist annually to make sure that your contact lenses are safe and appropriate for your eyes. If your eyes become red or sore with contact lens wear, then we recommend you discontinue contact lens use and consult your optometrist.

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  • $14 flat rate shipping
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The third generation of silicone hydrogel material used in cAir is inherently wettable with no surface treatments, and uses naturally wettable building blocks to ensure a high performing, comfortable lens. There is also UV blocking technology in this lens.

cAir is a comfortable lens to wear and great value because they can be re-worn for up to 2 weeks.

We also stock cAir toric lenses in a 6 pack.

Manufacturer terms and conditions may apply to this product. Please read the full product information before use.