Vision Training and Tutoring

How do vision training and tutoring complement each other?

At Eyes By Design all children are assessed by Dr Nicholas Altuneg -Behavioural Optometrist. We can diagnose and treat a wider range of conditions than the average optometrist, and have experience working in more complicated children’s cases, such as children who have ADD / ADHD, autism, aspergers, gifted children and more.

At Eyes By Design we often see children who have struggled with school work for quite some time and have had ongoing tutoring, but are still making little progress academically. Sometimes it is found that the child requires glasses and would benefit from vision training.

Vision Assessment and Diagnosis

At Eyes By Design all children are assessed by Dr Nicholas Altuneg -Behavioural Optometrist. We can diagnose and treat a wider range of conditions than the average optometrist, and have experience working in more complicated children’s cases, such as children who have ADD / ADHD, autism, aspergers, gifted children and more.

At Eyes By Design we often see children who have struggled with school work for quite some time and have had ongoing tutoring, but are still making little progress academically. Sometimes it is found that the child requires glasses and would benefit from vision training.

What is Vision Training?

Vision training is a program of therapeutic eye exercises and activities that are designed to improve the way the brain, eyes and body work together. Visual information about the world enters our eyes, and then travels to the brain for processing – this is how we see. When you consider that 80% of the information that we take in about our world is done through our eyes, you can appreciate how important it is that the whole visual system works well, especially for children who are learning and developing.

For some parents having a break from tutoring and committing to a 12 week program of vision training can seem a big step. We understand that ultimately parents want their children to do well at school activities and they may think that tutoring is the logical avenue to take. However, a child will not be able to get the most out of their tutoring until they are using their visual system properly. Some parents also make the decision to do them simultaneously.

In some cases the eye or vision problems have been the cause of the difficulty at school, and getting an improvement in academic performance will require work with the visual system. If we can treat the vision problem with vision training, you may find that learning problems are minimized significantly because for the first time your child can use their vision to its full potential to take in information.

Do you know a child that could benefit from a vision test, or perhaps a Vision Training program?

This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general eye health topics.
It should not be used as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your health care professional prior to incorporating this as part of your health regimen.

dr nick

Dr Nicholas Altuneg
For over two decades, my greatest passion has been helping people of all ages live improved lives through better vision. At Eyes by Design, vision is so much more than being able to see clearly or read small letters from far away; it determines your perceptions and reactions every second of the day.
Read more about Dr Nick

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